5 — Reviews Pages Just Added

From time to time, I’ll review and possibly recommend products (and services) from the Internet that support the goals of this site—namely, to help you build a healthy body, mind, and soul, as well as to enhance your life and the living you create. I’ll also identify products that are on my list to try and then review. I’d like your suggestions, too, as to products that you feel meet these overall goals… 

This is not a website for others to indiscriminately promote products that they themselves are promoting, but rather to identify products (and services) that have true potential value in helping others. I have some definite opinions about certain kinds of products—those distributed through network marketing or MLM, for example (some of which I can highly recommend for personal use, but very few of which I can recommend to join as a distributor). For a very good illustration of why I generally don’t recommend MLM products, see this breakdown of earnings by members of Empower Network. Less than 1% of their members are earning more than $30,000 per year! In my experience, this is pretty typical of all MLM earnings—only a very small percentage are doing well. If you still consider joining an MLM organization, ask them for their breakdown of actual earnings by their associates and judge for yourself whether or not you are willing to do what it takes to join the very high earners—if that’s your goal.

When I recommend a product in which I have a financial interest (as an affiliate marketer, for example, or as an investor or some other role), I’ll identify this upfront for you. One of the values of this website is full transparency and integrity, and this is especially important where I might be influencing you to spend a portion of your hard-earned income!

So, here are the categories in which I’m actively looking for products (and services) that I can review, and possibly recommend: Body, Mind, Soul, Life and Living. There are currently three products that I’ve reviewed (or are about to review). See the Reviews page for details.

What products and services have you found that truly empower you in some way? Let us know what you’ve found on the Internet or off that you’ve found is truly empowering to you or to someone special in your life.
