The Money in Your Mind is an incredible product! With all the ways you can spend money on the Internet, this is one of those that fits into the category of “true value for its cost.” That said, here’s my full disclosure: I’m an affiliate marketer for this product, and I realize you could be thinking, “He’s just giving this a good review so we’ll buy it and he’ll make some money.” I might have thought that, too—before I bought the course and went all the way through it! When you purchase the course, it comes with a 60-day, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee honored by ClickBank. So, if you don’t feel the value is there after you’ve taken the course, just return it to ClickBank for a full refund—their return policy is excellent!
So, here’s my review of The Money in Your Mind. I hope you’ll consider whether or not what it offers resonates with what you desire in your life. My sense for myself is that what I got from the program is life-changing!
Physically, the product comprises 15 DVDs and 8CDs:
The recommended approach is to watch one DVD a day, interspersed with listening to material from the CDs. It turns out that the CDs are possibly the most valuable part of the program! The eight CDs contain 26 MEMEs (Money Expanding Mind Exercises). More about these later.
The Money in Your Mind addresses wealth and abundance from all three sides of the learning triangle:
- Inner learning for the conscious mind
- Inner learning for the subconscious mind
- Outer learning: simple actions you can take
Inner learning for the conscious mind deals with what you consciously know and believe about money, wealth, and abundance. Inner learning for the subconscious mind deals with those subconscious values, decisions and beliefs you hold about money, wealth and abundance—and about yourself(!) that affect your ability to create/manifest money, wealth, and abundance. Your conscious and your subconscious beliefs and thoughts together create your feelings toward money, wealth and abundance, which in turn determine your behaviors toward these. Outer learning deals with these behaviors—how you act toward money, wealth and abundance.
Note: What you have today reflects the sum total of the beliefs, thoughts, feelings and behaviors you’ve had over the past 20-30 yers. If you want to change where you are, you have to change all three sides of the learning triangle.
DVDs 1 through 5 help you understand how a poverty mind set (the poverty “virus”) differs from a wealth/abundance mind set (there’s a more complete description of each of the DVDs buried in the product listing). DVDs 6 and 7 are about transitioning from a poverty mind set to a wealth/abundance mind set, and DVDs 8-15 are about how to crush debt and create true wealth.
I was surprised by the beliefs that actually comprise the poverty mind set. Here is some of what is covered in DVDs 1-5:
- The difference between financial freedom and wealth (financial freedom precedes wealth, rather than the other way around!)
- What is the poverty “virus” and what are its symptoms?
- What’s the difference between a poverty mind set and a wealth/abundance mind set?
- The hunter v. the farmer mentality, and what that has to do with wealth and wealth creation.
- The truth about consumption, and especially about debt-fueled consumption.
- What is debt and how does it affect you?
- Parkinson’s Law and how it affects your spending habits.
- What is value and how is it created through exchange?
- How we destroy value through our spending habits.
- What is money actually?
- How your thoughts and feelings, and therefore actions, are not aligned with what you truly want.
- Changing your poverty habits into wealth habits
- How the questions you ask may not get you what you want.
- And much more…
DVDs 6 and 7 help you see—in very practical terms—how to make the transition from a poverty mindset to a wealth/abundance mindset. They look at what drives you, what is your passion, how you see yourself and how you transition that into a wealth building image. They also look at establishing a vision of what you truly want (and deserve) in life.
DVDs 8-13 build on this transition by looking how to create financial freedom first, and then how to build wealth on top of this. Financial freedom comes from passive income—that is, income that isn’t dependent on you getting paid directly for the hours you put into it. For example, your salary is not passive income. Whether, as a consultant, you’re paid by the hour or by the project, your income is not passive. There are three kinds of major passive income generators:
- Real estate
- Stocks, bonds, and other securities
- Businesses, whether your own or someone else’s
Each of these is a different kind of investment. The Money in Your Mind addresses each of these, looking at the advantages and disadvantages of each. The program also lays out the “rules of investing:”
- Risk little, but often—that is, generate multiple streams of income because some will succeed more than others.
- Never outsource your thinking—that is, never invest in something you don’t understand.
- Never put all your eggs in one basket.
- Never invest more than you can afford to lose.
- A business opportunity must work at its most basic level—this is especially true of multi-level marketing businesses.
- Is there an exchange of value?
The program also briefly addresses “minor” passive income generators: royalties from books, music, etc.; endorsements; gambling; and collecting (cars, antiques, etc.).
The final two DVDs address value filters and ways to open yours up to the many value-creating opportunities that surround all of us. Two “games” are described to do this: the Pollyanna Game and the Value Tennis Game. I’ll leave it to you to discover what these are when you buy the program! They address possibility thinking as opposed to scarcity thinking. The last DVD addresses generosity and gratitude as the key emotions that drive wealth creation.
The DVDs are only part of the value of The Money in Your Mind. One of the most valuable components of the program are the MEMEs: the Money Expanding Mind Exercises. There are 26, plus another 10 that explain what they are and how to use them most effectively. MEMEs reprogram your subconscious mind to instill in you wealth/abundance thinking rather than poverty thinking. They are incredibly powerful and can be listened to over and over, both while you’re going through the DVDs and independently. The tools developed with the MEMEs also will assist you in many other parts of your life. They add significant value to the overall program.
So, this is The Money in Your Mind, a powerful complement to any investing or wealth-building effort you might undertake. The program is especially valuable to someone who is in the early stages of his/her career since the opportunity to apply the program’s principles over a longer period of time creates even greater wealth and abundance in later life. Nevertheless, it is very applicable to those of us who are approaching retirement or the later stages of our lives.
If you decide to purchase the program, please comment here with your experiences with the program.